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How to apply for the Certification

ZeroCarbonTarget application is regulated by a specification and a regulation for brand use. The path includes 3 TARGETs which correspond to a certain level of CARBON REDUCTION and they are recognized by a maximum of three leaves, subsequent to the control of a qualified authority.

In case you are missing some information or just want to learn more, do not hesitate to contact us.

The ZeroCarbonTarget Certification Path

A clear path regulated by a specification, with set targets, certifiable by an authorized third party, that allows you to communicate that you have started a path in the field of energy saving, without necessarily having reached the end and to do so in a simple and transparent way.

The path must include carbon reduction project through energy efficiency, self-production, environmental interventions and not only OFFSETs, in order to allow the customer to achieve concrete objectives and to stay safe from “greenwashing “.

Specification keypoints:

Mobile baseline, to be fixed together with the customer, according to pre-established rules in such a way as not to lose any interventions already carried out in the years immediately preceding the start up of the path.

Strict regulatory application: Carbon footprint ISO 14067, GHG inventory ISO 14064-1 and EPD (Enviromental Product Declaration): EPD standard developed in application to ISO 14025

Obligation to carry out energy-environmental efficiency interventions, not only offsets.

Intermediate targets that allow to immediately communicate the results, without having to wait for the end of the path. These targets must be verified annually.

Leaves Labels to communicate the results achieved. In order to get them, it is necessary to obtain a certification through verification by an authorized third party.


  • The check must be carried out once a year. Only the constant check will allow the renewal of the label for the following years;
  • The labels can be used by the Customer only after a verification by a Third Party that authorizes ZCT to certify and issue the labels.


For more information, contact us.



The actors of the project

Several companies and different products have already adopted the path and obtained the first results.

Visit the dedicated section to find out who has already joined ZeroCarbonTarget.

ZeroCarbonTarget is a path that can be applied independently by the Organizations, but in most cases it needs a high-level professional support. For this reason, many consulting companies have been enabled to assist the Customer for the complete application of ZCT.

Visit the section to discover the authorized companies.

The achievement of the results must be verified by an authorized third party.

Visit the section to discover the qualified companies and to be able to contact them directly to start your verification plan of the path taken.

Make your business more sustainable by reducing co2 emissions.

Find out how to invest in projects that aim at the gradual abatement of CO2 emissions and the reduction of the use of fossil sources, through the improvement of energy performance, and more.

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