Carbon Neutral Experience

Carbon Neutral Events Certification

By organising events, companies present themselves and their expertise to the relevant public. Institutional or technical events reflect the company’s vision and can help define its image towards stakeholders.

The organisation of an event implies a strong commitment in terms of costs, resources, time and, like all company activities, it must ensure an approach that duly considers the economic and logistical aspects, but also the environmental context in which the event takes place, as per the general policy for Sustainability in line with company policies.

Should you miss any information, or you simply want to explore the topic, feel free to contact us.

What is the Certification ZeroCarbonTarget Event?

The certification is based on the quantification of CO2 emissions related to the organisation and realisation of the event and on the verification that they are entirely cancelled with respect to the calculation made on each specific event.

The certification programme for ” CARBON NEUTRAL EVENT” includes the following application flow:

  • Adhesion to Zerocarbontarget by filling in the “Adhesion questionnaire for CARBON NEUTRAL EVENT” to be sent to
  • Definition of “Minimum sustainability requirements 
  • Documentary verification in relation to the organisation of the event 
  • Quantification of CO2 emissions related to the event considered through the ISO 14064-1 scheme 
  • Proposal of cancellation solutions
  • Verification of the total cancellation of CO2 emissions; cancellation must take place within 10 days of the start date of the event
  • Issue of the certification and relative label

The membership programme may take place with or without the participation of the Qualified Advisor.

For further information, read the disciplinary certification

Minimum sustainability requirements

In order to obtain the Zerocarbontarget certification as “CARBON NEUTRAL EVENT”, the organization of the event will have to be set in compliance with the “Minimum requirements of sustainability” that will be communicated by ZCT to the adhering company, as per the compilation of the “Questionnaire of adhesion for CARBON NEUTRAL EVENT”; these requirements will be identified specifically for each event.

The minimum requirements are identified in order to ensure that the environmental impact of the event, on the territory in which it takes place, has the least possible impact based on the technical improvements and technologies applicable in order to reduce CO2 emissions.

It applies to all types of organisations that aim at:

  • Quantifying, monitoring and improving its level of environmental sustainability
  • Ensure compliance with a carbon reduction policy
  • Establish, implement and improve a sustainable event management system
  • Reduce/compensate all CO2 emissions attributable to the realisation of the event
  • Communicate a CARBON NEUTRAL CERTIFIED EVENT to stakeholders

The benefits of the application of the certification are:

  • Reduce the environmental impact of the event
  • Improve the effectiveness of the company’s overall sustainable management
  • Distinguish itself from competitors
  • Enhance image and strengthen reputation and relations with stakeholders
  • Generate sustainable growth and innovation in the supply chain

Identification of the environmental aspects

Starting from the context of the event, the organisation must identify the environmental aspects that lead to CO2 emissions:

  • Transport and logistics
  • Consumption of electrical and thermal energy
  • Direct CO2 emissions
  • Use of resources
  • Location chosen for the organisation of the event

The actors of the project

Certified companies and products

Several companies and different products have already adopted the path and obtained the first results. Visit the dedicated section to find out who has already joined ZeroCarbonTarget.

Qualified Consultants

ZeroCarbonTarget is a path that can be applied independently by the Organizations, but in most cases it needs a high-level professional support. For this reason, many consulting companies have been enabled to assist the Customer for the complete application of ZCT. Visit the section to discover the authorized companies.

Authorized third party

The achievement of the results must be verified by an authorized third party. Visit the section to discover the qualified companies and to be able to contact them directly to start your verification plan of the path taken.

Make your business more sustainable by reducing co2 emissions.

Learn how to invest in projects that aim at the gradual abatement of CO2 emissions and the reduction of the use of fossil sources, through the improvement of energy performance, and more.

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